Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The Foot and the Id?

"The foot is said to represent the soul, as it serves to support the entire body and keep it upright. Demonic beings, for this reason, were often depicted with feet that differed to those of man, or were turned the wrong way.

The foot being planted upon the earth, signified to many that the foot left a personal emanation of that being on that spot, especially in Buddhism where footprints, purported to be left by the Buddha, are revered in several places. Perhaps this is one explanation why we admire those Hollywood stars' hand and footprints on the sidewalk? Ancient cultures throughout the world put significance to many rock formations (often of natural origin, such as erosion) that looked like footprints, or hollows of feet that had been left there, often interpreted these as those left by holy, or supernatural beings. The mother to the founder of the Chinese Chou dynasty was said to have become pregnant by stepping on a stone that had a foot imprint of a God - which also linked the child-to-be-born from the divine. It is for a similar thinking that explorers were able to claim entire territories by merely "setting foot upon it"."

Reference :

The foot is said to be the soul and is said to leave a personal emanation of that being on the spot therefore I think the foot is appropriate when representing the ego or in this case, I feel, the Id. Your foot is solid and standing... quite like your conscious or how we feel about our conscious. We would hope it is solid and reliable but sometimes of course this is not the case. Your mind is not as reliable as we think it is. Another word for the Id could be said to be the soul as this is the unconscious...our passions...our desires. I am leaving reminiscence of my unconscious on the paper.

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